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Venice Water Booster Pump Station

About the Project

The City of Venice currently owns and operates one Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant, which serves approximately 26,000 residents  from its location near the Intracoastal Waterway. Though the current system adequately distributes water to customers throughout the City, occasionally customers further east may experience lower pressures during peak demand times. In order to improve the level of service, the City is planning a Water Booster Pump Station (BPS).  The BPS will be located on the northern portion of an approximately 44-acre City-owned parcel at the eastern end of Gene Green Road adjacent to the Dona Bay Surface Water Storage Facility.6

Construction began in October 2023 and the facility is expected to be operational late 2025.

Site Plan

The water booster pump station facility has been strategically designed for placement on the project site to provide maximum buffer from residential development.  The water storage tank(s) and the pump house/emergency operation center will be located on the north side of the City-owned property and east of the Miami Valley Ready Mix facility.  The water storage tank area is designed for a future tank if the demand requires it.  The project also includes a solar field to be installed east of the water storage tank and emergency operation center building.  A 9-foot high landscaped berm will be constructed as shown on the plan to further screen the facility from neighboring residential communities.

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